Marketing & Sales Support

At Dermatude, we strive to be your business partner, not just a supplier of products. We believe in maximum cooperation with our partners in order to optimize the intended results. We will share as much knowledge as possible in order to generate a successful partnership for you.

It is of utmost importance that the brand identity of Dermatude is worldwide the same. We expect a global image. Therefore you have to follow the marketing directives for all kind of marketing activities in your country. Global Brand Identity
All marketing activities must meet the requirements of the Dermatude brand identity. All materials for printing, offline and online activities are available with ready to use art work, images and text.

Every country is obliged to use these materials. Developing local marketing materials. It is permitted to develop local marketing materials for your region under restriction that the Dermatude brand identity will not be affected. Before publishing any material concerning Dermatude, the artwork must have been approved by the Dermatude marketing department.

The artwork will only be disapproved if it is not in line with the Dermatude brand identity or brand style. Of course, Dermatude's marketing department is at all times available for you to help you cost free.


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